Intellectual Property Claim

COPYRIGHT law protects the expression of original ideas that are fixed in a tangible form, such as photographs, artwork, written works, or music.

TRADEMARK law defends words, symbols, logos, or designs that are used to identify and distinguish the source of goods or services.

PUBLICITY RIGHTS safeguard an individual’s name, likeness, and image, meaning that no one can use someone else’s identity for commercial purposes without their permission.

If you believe that your content has been used in a manner that violates your rights, please reach out to us via email at [email protected] by submitting a Notice and Takedown Report. Your report should include the following details:

  • A link to the content that infringes upon your rights
  • Proof of ownership (such as your webpage or other relevant documentation)
  • Your full name and contact phone number
  • Email subject line: TAKEDOWN REPORT

For any inquiries, please contact us at: [email protected].

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